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“No pain no gain”

Escola d'Idiomes de la Uvic
7 d'octubre de 2022

Did you know that 12% of gym members join in January? Or that gym use soars by 40% between December and January? New Year’s Resolutions are probably behind this trend, with the most popular resolutions being to lose weight, get fit, or give up smoking.
“No pain, no gain” means that if you really want to achieve something, you have to suffer for it. It seems fitting therefore to talk about this saying in January, when we realise that we’ve probably been celebrating a bit too much. Perhaps we’re also thinking about getting our beach bodies ready for the summer. Whatever the reason behind the surge in gym memberships in January, there is one fact that most of us don’t realise: it’s the people with redundant gym memberships who keep prices lower for the rest of the members! It’s a strange business model if you think about it. Gyms actually make money off people who never go.

Let’s do some exercises

Ask the Grammar Doctor

When do you use ‘any’ and when do you use ‘some’?

We usually use some and any for uncountable nouns, e.g. information, society, knowledge, and plural countable nouns, e.g. apples, bottles, cats. Any is used in negative statements and questions, and some in positive statements.

Let’s look at some examples:

  • Do you have any milk?
  • I don’t have any milk.
  • There is some milk in the kitchen.

The same rules apply for anybody, anyone, anywhere, somebody, someone and somewhere:

  • Is there anyone here?
  • I didn’t see anyone yesterday.
  • Someone told me a secret.
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